nesatraucieties - ar ūdens projektu viss notiek :) pārējā komanda ir Zimbabvē un šķiet, ka nākamnedēļ sāks rakt akas :) bildes būs, bet droši vien, ka marta beigās, kad viņi būs atpakaļ :)
paldies par jūsu lūgšanām un atbalstu - tas ir fantastiksi -just, ka aiz Tevis stāv tik milzīga lūgšanu siena :)paldies jums :)
ENGLISH: I'm back in Latvia for few weeks :) they denied my Zimbabwe's visa :( and it's a lot easier for me to come back and do all documentation etc here and then go back to Africa, because I still need to finish my outreach :)this time - maybe to Uganda - still thinking and praying :)
With water project - everything is in process - the rest of the team is in Zimbabwe and they will start working on the water project in few weeks, I think - they promised me to send me pictures etc :)
Thank you so much for praying and encouraging me :)
I will keep you all updated :)
izklausaas interesanti. ieliec kadu forsu bildi ;)